The Blue Planet
It is a British nature documentary series created and produced by the BBC. It premiered on September 12, 2001, in the United Kingdom. The voice-over narration is presented by David Attenborough.
Described as “the first comprehensive series on the natural history of the world’s oceans,” each of the eight 50-minute episodes examines a different aspect of marine life. Underwater photography captures the habits of creatures never before filmed.
The series has won a number of Emmy and BAFTA TV awards for music and cinematography. Alastair Fothergill was the executive producer and George Fenton wrote the music. Attenborough dubbed the series before introducing the next in his series, Life of Mammals (2002), and the same production team produced Planet Earth (2006).
A sequel to the series, called “Blue Planet 2,” was shown on BBC One in 2017.